A part of the Benincà group, CAB has been producing automation systems for shutters, swing gates and blinds for over 20 years. The promise contained in the “More than automation” pay-off succinctly conveys the values that the company brings to the world through its products: passion and innovation, made in Italy. Values that often, like technology, are invisible to the naked eye, and we wanted to share these in a video-story that begins at the Velo D'Astico (Vicenza) plant and features our new shutter motor in the starring role.
SUPERBE is not just an automation system that silently provides easier and more secure access to buildings - it is also a more complex system in which performance level and the choice of materials must be perfectly matched. In comparison with its predecessor, the new model is guaranteed for 5 years and has a flange made from a high-performance techno-polymer which enables an improved distribution of the load. These are all features which demonstrate the company and group decision to concentrate on specific market sectors and segments with the primary objective of achieving high levels of specialisation. SUPERBE is the ideal product for professional installers because it provides leading edge technology which is fast, simple and easy to install.
CAB isn’t just a product, it's a world inside the product.