Not all installations are the same. Difficulties can happen every time it’s impossible to respect the distances and heights indicated in instruction manuals. That’s why, some recommendations can be useful if you have to install a system.
First thing, you must understand which heights are important for a system.
Heights X and Y
As shown in the diagram, height X is the horizontal distance between the door hinge and the motor pin, whereas height Y is the vertical distance between the door hinge and the motor pin. If you can’t respect the heights indicated in the instructions, you must know that if the sum of the two heights (X and Y) is equal to the maximum motor stroke, the door will open by 90°. If X+Y>Maximum stroke, the door will open by less than 90° or greater if X+Y<Maximum stroke.
The difference between these two heights (X and Y) can cause significant variations also in terms of the speed with which the door opens. In standard applications, with inward opening, the two heights (X and Y) should be more or less equal, with a 40 mm tolerance, to prevent significant variations in the door speed during the manoeuvre. If X<Y, the door opens at a fast pace and closes slowly and vice-versa when the door closes. If X>Y the door opens slowly and closes at a higher speed and vice-versa when the door closes. In both cases, you must take the forces involved into consideration to comply with the impact curves stated in the regulations.
Heights Z and M
These two heights (Z and M) prevent the actuator from touching the door during movement (Z) or the column during the manoeuvre. (M)