UNAC is actively involved with their experts in the work of standardization, both in Europe and internationally. Associates UNAC meet in regular meetings during which, in addition to technical and regulatory aspects are dealt with topics such as statistics, participation in trade fairs, initiatives of proselytism and actions to better position itself. The Association also devotes much attention to realize and share the guidelines that accompany the installer to take the right steps in accordance with the legal precepts of matter.
The primary objective of UNAC is to fulfill its fundamental statutory function, namely to promote and protect the collective interests of the class. In particular, the association aims to:
-study and solve all the problems of a technical and regulatory affecting companies in the industry;
-promote legislation for the qualification of the products;
-carry out all those promotional initiatives that are deemed appropriate to the spread of the criteria for preservation and protection that contribute to improved safety for users and installers;
-encourage the participation of undertakings associated with exhibitions, conferences and training seminars.
UNAC also devotes much attention to the organization of training courses for installers with our members in order to deepen the theory related to the products represented by the association but also initiate a practical path, very delicate and important for the entire chain of the industry.